Recent changes have been implemented across all networks to help boost security and improve resources use which equates to improved website performance and function.Our friends at Data49 Design and TheTechPlex have been busy coding and … [Read more...]
Making a Living: It Is What It Is
The landscape of livelihood, whether employment or self-employment or both is changing significantly and viable options are being reduced even as business overhead is being reduced.Cutbacks and streamlining are terms of business which mean … [Read more...]
Not Just Another Website Hosting Service
As a fully managed WordPress hosting system, the NoSiteUnseen network can be mistakenly considered just another website hosting service - a place to move existing websites over to, or to start a new website using the available builder … [Read more...]
You Are Not Alone
There are many premium features within the Nositeunseen network hosting system which we have sought to identify and explain their merits, but there is one very important aspect which we believe makes our system the unique hosting system of … [Read more...]
New eCommunities Available
Three new eCommunities are available as hosting environments within the nositeunseen network. And exactly what is an eCommunity? An eCommunity is the same nositeunseen framework and hosting system containing a diverse range of … [Read more...]
Managed Hosting or Managed Hosting
Managed hosting is an often used phrase which suggests website admins do not need to concern themselves with the website itself. That they can focus more on the business of their website instead of updates and security. The truth, … [Read more...]
How Our Hosting Plans Work
There are four hosting plans available, Basic, Designer, Developer, and All Inclusive. Basic is supported hosting at its best - server, WordPress, plugins, themes - it's all supported. The next three levels add a specifc talent group to … [Read more...]