"What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet", and Nositeunseen hosting by any other name would still FULLY manage WordPress websites. A recent encounter has led to some serious reflection, search, … [Read more...]
The Easy Landing Pages Hosting Option
Some website operators are quite content where they are currently hosted. The thought of moving their website to a new server, or building new with a different host, seems an overly complicated and possibly pricey prospect. We … [Read more...]
Are You Still Serving Your Website?
There are literally hundreds of thousands - even millions - of website operators busy working for their websites, serving them repeatedly, and paying for that "privilege" of service. Are you one of them? You are if you are paying to … [Read more...]
Filling a Much Needed Service Region
Would you buy a new car that came with a warranty, or one that came with a supply of vinyl polish and a tool kit? You'd take the warranty, of course, because you buy the car to use it - not to spend time fixing and polishing it. So why … [Read more...]
Microthemer™, Meet Beaver Builder™
This post originally appeared on UserTutor.com and is reprinted by permission. When you find amazing talent in two different locations you have no choice but to introduce the one to the other. Our Nositeunseen network project provides … [Read more...]
What Makes Our Hosting Unique?
All across the Internet you find "WordPress hosting", "managed hosting", and "fully supported" attached to most every website hosting company. And there's many "drag and drop", "easy to use", "no code required" design programs … [Read more...]
Design a Website Without All The Coding
You love to design, to match colours and bring those psd mock-ups to life, and if you didn't need to do all that coding - or contract it out - then your job would be perfect. On the Nositeunseen network - perfect awaits you. Our visual … [Read more...]
Already On WordPress?
If you currently have a WordPress website and would like to move to our hosting community yet preserve the current design, select Total Start-up for 2 years and use coupon code KEEPTHELOOK to receive a $300 cost reduction. Our developers … [Read more...]
Lessor is More
When you own your own website you own all coding and all your content. And you also own all responsibility for hosting costs, website support, updates, upgrades, repairs, security. Costs for those responsibilities vary on whether you … [Read more...]
Managed Hosting or Managed Hosting
Managed hosting is an often used phrase which suggests website admins do not need to concern themselves with the website itself. That they can focus more on the business of their website instead of updates and security. The truth, … [Read more...]