Managed hosting is an often used phrase which suggests website admins do not need to concern themselves with the website itself. That they can focus more on the business of their website instead of updates and security. The truth, … [Read more...]
Custom Network eFranchise
Our custom network offerings have been given a huge boost from our main investor, UserTutor Corporation. eFranchise opportunities are here! UserTutor Corporation is providing the hosting and expertise to entrepreneurs who have a good … [Read more...]
One Fully Managed Hosting Plan
Our hosting plans have been simplified to allow for easier purchasing. There is now only one Fully Managed hosting package - less than $1 a day for complete website and hosting management! That single plan provides the full range of … [Read more...]
Drag and Drop Layouts
We have introduced a new layout editor that works directly within the visual editor. Website administrators and designers can now develop their website design AND layout AND content all from within the visual editor. The visual editor … [Read more...]
Visual Editor and Login
We have completed an upgrade to the visual editor and amended the login for network sites. Website administrators have already received the updated information for their login. It is simplified from the previous default and requires no … [Read more...]
Syndication and Updates
We are syndicating our blog across all network nodes. Our News category will be broadcast to the central website of all network communities so that announcements, updates and alerts will be readily available to all members regardless of … [Read more...]
Nositeunseen Network is Live
The Nositeunseen network is now live, and we're pleased to welcome you! Website plans are available for purchase, and we hope that you will consider becoming a member and adding your website into the network. We'll be adding information … [Read more...]