A shopping/service centre is defined as “a group of stores and offices within a single architectural plan, supplying most of the basic shopping and service needs – usually designed to serve a community or neighbourhood”.
Whereas the services centre is contained within a single building, the services eCentre is contained within a single network; and unique, top-level domain websites comprise the stores and offices housed within the eCentre.
The NoSiteUnseen Network operates as that eCenter. Each website within is independently operated, but also inter-connected. Space is allocated and reserved exclusive to each website while operational resources are centrally supplied and measured for peak demands of the entire system. Maintenance teams are on service at all hours every day to keep the system operational and to attend any service and repair of the network and of each website within.
Similar to an office or store-front in a mall, a website on the network is fully supported and maintained allowing an organization to focus their efforts on their business.
Whereas the services centre is contained within a single building, the services eCentre is contained within a single network
The advantages of leasing in a mall are very similar to hosting within the network:
- Monthly overhead is consistent. An office that experiences an electrical problem, or a website that experiences a configuration glitch, are repaired at no cost to the organization. The monthly cost remains the same.
. - Proximity to consumers leads to more business. The network is inter-connected in the same fashion that store-fronts and offices are displayed along the shopper walkways. Searchers for and visitors to any website will be introduced to other sites by the activity stream to and through each member website.
. - Real time promotion draws consumer attention. This is an area where the advantages within the network exceeds those within a mall. Standing a billboard on the walkway or placing a sign in the window reaches passers-by, but an activity stream post reaches every visitor viewing the activity on any website.
Similar to an office or store-front in a mall, a website on the network is fully supported and maintained allowing an organization to focus their efforts on their business.
- A diversity of products and services attracts consumers. The convenience of many selections under one roof contributes to the popularity of a mall. Consumers typically have their favourite business or services in mind when visiting a mall, but also enjoy the convenience of browsing potential new favourites. A consumer who is aware of a new service (website) is a potential new customer and a source of reference to other consumers.
. - Business collaboration enhances promotions. Store operators at times collaborate in promoting their complementary product and service lines to make their offers more attractive to the consumer. For example, a plumbing fixtures retailer and a plumbing service can offer mutual discounts, each based on the other’s service or product being used. In the network, organizations have direct contact to other organizations through the network stream, private messages and friendships through the social features of the network.
. - Support, support, support. As important as location to an organization’s activity but often understated. When the lights are always working and the floors are cleaned, it tends to be taken for granted and overlooked. And it should be. An organization should not worry about whether the lights will work today, or budget for how much it will cost to repair if the lights fail. A mall, and the network, are committed to every organization member within to provide them a venue that serves their needs and does not distract from their activity. Where a mall has electricians, plumbers, and carpenters the NoSiteUnseen Network has technicians, designers, and developers.
An organization should not worry about whether the lights will work today, or budget for how much it will cost to repair if the lights fail.
NoSiteUnseen brings the eCentre advantages to every member website, and to every member organization operating within the network.