Managed WordPress hosting typically manages only the server and the WordPress application itself.\u00a0 Additional items like plugins, themes, and any custom development are the responsibility of the site owner.<\/p>\n
The low end of managed hosting is typically between $20 and $30 dollars, with the exception of GoDaddy who offers a very low price incentive.\u00a0 This range covers updates to the WordPress installation and repairs to the server when needed, however the website owner is responsible for all other aspects, and subject to the limits of their hosting resources.<\/p>\n
Nositeunseen hosting manages the server, WordPress, plugins, theme framework, custom coding and further assists with many website operation questions and issues\u00a0where needed.\u00a0 Our price point falls within the range of low end managed hosting, but we provide premium level management.<\/p>\n
Some averages:<\/p>\n
When bundled in a website hosting plan, the Nositeunseen provider\u00a0rates effectively decrease to $40.00 per hour.<\/p>\n
How do we manage those price points?\u00a0 Our development, design, and content services are through exclusive contracts with skilled and experienced\u00a0service provider businesses.\u00a0 Our principal investor, UserTutor Corp. subsidized the creation of each business, assists their development, and provides administrative support.\u00a0 Each business is actively involved in their own pursuits, and each has entered into a service agreement to provide UserTutor Corp. best price services.<\/p>\n
Best price assurance\u00a0is an established and assured\u00a0component of the Nositeunseen network.<\/p>\n